By Anna Italia
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Here are the declarations of Inter defender Yuto Nagatomo on his first day of work after returning from his post-World Cup holidays. Nagatomo interviewed by Roberto Scarpini once morning training ended at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti in Appiano Gentile.
Welcome back, Yuto. So you got right back to work after your holidays ended.
“I was in Japan and enjoyed a nice holiday with my family and some friends. It really felt great.”
From your tan it seems you also got some sun. Did you go to the beach?
“Yes, I went to the beach and picked up a suntan. I got back to work today. I trained hard, ran a lot and I feel good.”
You like running. In Pinzolo they were lacking someone who could pull the group along, so to speak. Someone to run faster than the others. You’re a bit behind compared to your team-mates but now you’re starting the season with a lot of hunger.
“Yes, a lot of hunger. We have to win and have a great start. This year we’re hoping to do well.”
Going back a bit, you seemed very moved when it was time to say goodbye to Alberto Zaccheroni. He was a coach that gave a lot to Japan.
“We made a lot of progress under Zaccheroni. I really have to thank him for it.”
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