Category Archives: general

April 21: Happy 2,775 years old Birthday City of Rome. Anna Italia
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Italian Soccer Serie A

Congratulations to the City of Roma in Italy celebrating their 2,775 years old. Rome is the capital city of Italy and the capital of the Lazio region. Roma was founded on April 21 (753 BC).

Hype Battle Rope

Buy Hype Battle Rope


Product Overview
The Hype Battle Ropes are an effective training aid. Providing a challenging upper body workout out.  Battle Ropes offers an intense form of exercise, working each arm independently to eliminate strength imbalances. The exercise and its intensity is self-scaled, making this a safe option for new athletes, as they are less likely to exceed their capabilities. The Hype Battle Ropes provides vigorous intensity and allows adjustable resistance to match your requirements. The amount of slack determines the load, moving away from the anchor point decreases exercise intensity, while stepping toward the anchor point increases it.Hypes Battle Rope’s slack can be adjusted to keep challenging you, as your strength increases. Adjust the slack so you’re challenged to complete each set. You can also alternate the slack every few minutes and the time spent farther away from the anchor provides active recovery.The Hype Battle Ropes are premium quality and highly durable battle rope, available in two different sizes: 1’5” x 30ft or the longer 1.5”x 40ft. Hype Battle Ropes provide a fun and challenging alternative to traditional cardio exercises and are simple to use…Perfect to help improve fitness levels and increase muscle build – Resulting in improved physical performance and strength gains
Sizes: 1’5” x 30ft or 1.5”x 40ft.
When Best To Take The Product
Ideal to improve fitness levels and improve muscle strength.

Categories: Nutritional Supplements, Fitness Equipment, Hype

Hype Olympic Power Bar

Buy Hype Olympic Power Bar


The Hype Olympic Power Bar is a super-strength Straight Power Bar, designed to hold up to 1500lb of weight. Hype’s Olympic Power Bar is a great addition to any gym or weight lifting training to provide an effective muscular workout. The Hype Olympic Power Bars are perfect for powerlifting lifts such as; Back squats, bench presses and deadlifts. As well as helping to improve general strength and fitness levels. Hype’s Olympic Power Bar is a 7ft Straight Power Bar (86 inches). Suitable for home or gym use and extremely durable, designed to withstand the toughest training sessions.A Power Bar is an essential piece of gym kit for any weight lifter or weight training activities. Providing a simple and convenient way to achieve muscle build and muscle strength goals.The Hype Olympic Power Bar helps to increase the growth of lean muscle mass and improve body definition.  Featuring a stylish Chrome finish to ensure longevity, designed to prevent rusting or chipping.

Categories: Nutritional Supplements, Fitness Equipment, Hype

Hype EVA Fitness Floor Mat

Buy Hype EVA Fitness Floor Mat


The Hype EVA Fitness Floor Mat is a set of durable fitness mats, featuring an interlocking design.Hype EVA Fitness Floor Mat are designed to fit together to create a strong surface – Strong enough to be used underneath heavy gym equipment and machines, such as treadmills and weight benches. The Hype EVA Fitness Floor Mat are easy to clean and are non-slip, ideal for both home and gym use. Suitable for a range of floor exercises including yoga and aerobics. Hype EVA Fitness Floor Mats offer superb floor protection, provides you with a comfortable workout area and can even be used for sound dampening and reducing noise. Featuring a heavy-duty, anti-slip matting floor mats are one of the most basic and most important pieces of equipment available.  These sturdy mats protect flooring and equipment from dents and scratches. Intense workouts result in a lot of sweat… And a build-up of sweat can increase the risk of slippery surfaces, can also cause floor damage. Not to mention the unpleasant odour it can create! Hype EVA Fitness Floor Mats have been designed with durability in mind and are simple to use and easy to clean.

Categories: Nutritional Supplements, Fitness Equipment, Hype