OSCAR DAMIANI TO THE MILAN CHANNEL: “Niang is an interesting player and of quality”

< ![CDATA[MILAN – Sports agent, a former Milan player and connoisseur of French football, Oscar Damiani was interviewed earlier by the Milan Channel to speak about the positive performances of late by Milan striker Mbaye Niang:"Mbaye Niang is an interesting player and of quality and this was known. He’s had a slightly difficult impact with Milan, but has important potential and he’s recognised his errors of the past. This is already a good start. It would be a shame should he not burst onto the scene and become an important player. On tour, he’s achieved some important things. Maybe he’s lacking in goals, but in terms of commitment he’s given a lot and I hope he can give more. The will to improve is necessary. He has the qualities to score goals, even though it is true that there are less opportunities to score playing out wide. However, in two years he’ll be ready to play at important levels. Staying at Milan will help him grow and I’m convinced that he can become a very good footballer."]]>