MARIO BALOTLELI TO THE MILAN CHANNEL: “Seedorf is one of the greats”

MILAN – Mario Balotelli spoke exclusively to the Milan Channel yesterday speaking about his first year as an AC Milan player:“I’m happy to play for this team especially in the tough times as during the easy ones, anyone can do it. When it’s difficult is when you have to bring the best out of yourself. The situation now is a bit better than what it was and we’re getting out of it bit by bit. It’s been a good year for me and I’m happy to be here. I’m as important as all the players that take to the pitch and those on the bench and those in the stands. It’s normal that as a striker I have the chance to score and to pull the team forward as well as a bit more responsibility and I’m happy with that, Seedorf is one of the greats, a good person and he knows how to be close to his players. Maybe because he was playing until  a short time ago. He really wants to do well, to win and play well. We’re all on the same level.“I hope we can get to the Europa League places and most of all that we beat Atletico Madrid in the Champions League with two big performances. We’ll see about the World Cup in the summer. I’m hoping for the best as it’s my first World Cup and it’s the most important competition for any player. A big ‘Hi’ to the fans, thanks for your support and make sure to come to the stadium.”