Recipients of this project are the children of the elementary schools in Naples.
Councilor of Education Annamaria Palmieri in the press conference to present the project, said: “Unfortunately, often schools are not in condition to practice physical education with the necessary space and Naples has a problem considering that we have the highest rate of childhood obesity. The synergy with the private sector helps us to provide schools, especially in those areas where families cannot afford an additional fee while taking part in sport also provides an education.”
The project 'Moving well to grow better', is a national initiative created and organized by the Milan Foundation and will involve a number primary schools in Naples.
Here SSDE instructors will train physical education teachers for three months and they will also be 'offered' 80 hours of physical education in the gym. “The purpose of the Milan Foundation,” said Gianfranco Parma to the Milan Academy, “is promoting projects related to the development and education in primary schools forming and collaborating with teachers with the goal of building an educational alliance to create a different sports culture.”
The project 'Eat right move with taste', however, stems from research conducted on a sample of 50 boys aged between 10 and 15 years whose eating habits were studied. Research has shown that people who are overweight, who modified their diet, had a '' significant '' weight loss after three months of treatment, whereas in normal weight subjects, there were no changes. ''This way of working,” - highlighted the Councillor for Sports Ciro Borriello, it is something we follow to the maximum because similar experiences are increasingly present in the city and particularly in the suburbs.” The presentation was also attended by SSDE president Mario Del Verme who stressed that as these projects ''will come down in the real needs of the children. In schools there is need to educate the motor skills activities.”
Pictured, from left to right: Adriana Carotenuto (Biologist Nutritionist), Gianfranco Parma (Milan Academy), Ciro Borriello (Councillor for Sports of the City of Naples), Annamaria Palmieri (Councillor of Schools of the City of Naples), Mario Del Verme (President of SSDE ), Gianfranco Coppola (National Deputy and Ussi AIPS Director).