Inter Campus Israel and Palestine: a shared language… football

Ever since they began working in Israel and Palestine way back in 2000, the Inter Campus ream have had to keep an eye on the complex political situation in the region.

Today, thanks to the partnership with Ghetton (,
the expanded project – recently starting up in Migdal HaEmek and Yafia
in Galilee – involves the centre of Israel and the West Bank: the
kibbutz of Shefayim, Jaljulia and the nearby Palestinian villages, as
well as the area to the south of Tel Aviv with the children of African

Children from varying cultures, backgrounds, dialects and religions but brought together by the same language – football. The kids were joined by singer Noa who dedicated her song “Shalom Shalom” – the soundtrack to the video – to them.

Ghetton would like to thank Acer Israel for their help in creating the video.