A big event for a historic partnership.

MILAN – Audi Italy and AC Milan chose the unique spaces of the Audi City Lab in via Montenapoleone 27 to renew the partnership between the two big firms which has been in place since 2007.

Here is what was said during the press conference:

“Milan and Audi have many shared values, especially when it comes to the brand. Innovation represents a point of growth for both groups, the design and the winning spirit which we’re not missing and I believe this is fundamental. We hope that this journey continues together for all the values that we share. At this moment, we’re trying to be able to present a vision and a complete idea of what Milan is about for the fans, offering increasing new interactions. A lot of initiatives have been promoted this year such as Casa Milan, others are still to follow such as the stadium which is another project for us and for the city of Milan. We have presented an excellent project and it’s no longer down to us to express ourselves, there is the utmost interest from our partners to support us in such an ambitious project. It’s been a very positive year for Milan, we inaugurated Casa Milan and we pushed the Milan brand. We’ve seen that this brand will continue to grow both in Italy and abroad. It’s been a positive year: we’ve signed lots of contracts, a very important one with Fly Emirates. Not just mere sponsorship agreements, but partners that will accompany us with our projects. We’ve always been a club with a huge international vocation. At this moment the Asian market is important. Looking towards China from a brand point of view and with the team is important. We’re trying to present a summer tour that will go to Asia. We are and want to be present in that market. We believe that we have presented an excellent project and at this moment we do not want to ask ourselves too many questions. We’re waiting for a response shortly from the Fondazione Fiera”.

“The Audi City Lab was opened in December. Via Montenapoleone doesn’t need justifying and we couldn’t have found a better place… since 2007 we’ve been sponsors to AC Milan and we do it with pride. We share the moments that go badly, but we’re more than convinced of undertaking a journey together, the visibility that Milan has in the world is an important vehicle and we’re very happy to renew the partnership.”

“Up until the 30th of June 2006 our shirt sponsor was an automobile firm, and then we had interest from a French brand which didn’t make the most beautiful of cars and so I thought that the company to ask could only be Audi. At the time they sponsored both Real and Bayern and I called Rummenigge so I could meet the Audi bosses, so it was me who went looking for them. We started the talks and our collaboration started the year of Athens 2007, a wonderful year that saw us win the Champions League in May 2007 thanks to a brace from Inzaghi and then in August the European Super Cup and then the World Club Cup. I remember the amazement from the players when the cars were delivered. Walter De Silva arrived with a sketch that he showed us of the front of the A7 which we put on display at Milanello. We’re happy to continue with you. You’re fantastic, you make lovely cars, winners, you’re the best of the best and so we want to stay with you because we’re the most decorated club in the world, because with all due respect, a club that doesn’t play in a European league can’t have the same value as one that does. Thanks for staying with us. In his second life, Pippo is doing very well and has done very well, without all of those injuries we would be in a different position in the league table. Very few remember that on the 14th of December by beating Napoli we were level with Napoli in the league table. After the match with Real I read about a super Milan, it isn’t the fault of the coach or the staff. The results are now improving, Pippo was a great player and he’s a great coach. Now we have the derby, which is a match worth 3 points, but 3 special points and we have to win. We have the captain here today and 2 young stars, a great goalkeeper that arrived from Real and so today we wanted to pay tribute to Audi with the perfect mix. Real went 32 years without winning the European Cup but it remains the top brand, our brand is extraordinary and let’s make sure that we don’t go 32 years without winning the European Cup! The derby remains in the heart and the mind. We also played two derbies in the Champions League, a huge derby for the Scudetto in 2011 that we won and the Italian Super Cup final. There have been many derbies, some better than others, but the derby has an appeal that goes beyond everything. And it’s the only derby where the fans of the two teams go to the stadium together and return together and this has to be a source of pride not just for the two teams, but also the Milanese people. Inzaghi is doing well and he has the faith of everyone and the club, of course some excellent results would always help. I believe I can understand when a team is with or against the coach and I can definitely say that the Milan dressing room is with the coach and this is important for the future.”

“We’re very satisfied with the contract. It’s a contract which once signed already projects you to the future. Audi’s philosophy and that of Milan’s and Infront’s is what allows us to be ahead. 2016 will be the tenth year, I don’t know if there will be a star, but we hope that it continues.”

“Milan and Audi are joined by the future, and it’s inevitable that we have a shared vision of the world, this is design. During the Design week you have to be good in sketching out a world vision. If I had to say another brand apart from Milan and Audi, I would say Apple: that is another world vision.”