Goalkeeper of the Milan Primavera PLIZZARRI: MY DREAM IS THE FIRST TEAM


MILAN – The goalkeeper of the Milan Primavera, Alessandro Plizzarri, spoke exclusively to Milan Channel during the the event ‘Saranno famosi, la strada verso il successo’ (They’re going to be famous, the road to success) at the San Domenico Theatre in Crema. He said:

“It is a bit of a strange situation today, seeing my friends here asking me questions. I feel really good having two excellent trainers and I trust them. I want to thank my coaches and I can still improve i just have to keep going and stay determined. We are preparing well for the game against Bologna, our appraoch is always the same. Our group at the European Championships is very hardbut we will try as hard as we can to go through. I am always motivated, I never underestimate a game. I want to make it to the first team.”