The club’s HQ staged a seminar based on strategy and management in sports clubs.

MILAN – On the 30th of November, Casa Milan hosted a conference on strategy and management in sports clubs. The event was open to all Milan Soccer Schools and Milan Junior Camps, and all the places for the seminar were filled demonstrating the interest in the topics and themes put forward by the organisers.

The main objective of the talk was to provide participants with the necessary means to manage and develop their sports associations which have not only a sporting role, but also social and economic. Milan Academy lecturers Marco Peverieri and Mario Del Verme spoke in particular with the guests about goals, values and organisational principles in sporting clubs while lawyer Valentina Guzzanti touched upon the issue of legal and tax-related compliances.

The latest seminar put forward by the Milan Academy is another step forward in offering a more complete and rounded training which responds to the needs and challenges that sports clubs are faced with. Over the coming months, the Milan Academy will offer new detailed studies and events to both partners and outside groups.